What does 2BA offer you as a wholesaler?

For wholesalers, product information from manufacturers must always be quickly and efficiently retrievable by digital means. For example, in your counter sales and in compiling and maintaining your range of items in digital file form. Where, of course, it is preferable to use the manufacturer’s own product information. So that only your trade information needs to be added. Efficiency is naturally an important issue in wholesale trade too. 

Good item data for the entire business chain

In addition, it is important for the entire business chain that product and related trade information can be used as widely as possible. So that, in addition, a buyer, an engineer, estimator or planner can also work with it immediately within his or her own software.
But how do you, as both manufacturer and wholesaler, ensure optimum findability for the customer? In the way the customer wants it nowadays?

Welcome to 2BA, the central product database for and by your industry!

What do we do for you?

Since 2004, 2BA has been managing the neutral datapool for the controlled and digital exchange of item data between the supplier and the customer based on the international ETIM standards. Accordingly, the product and trade data of the manufacturer, importer and/or agent are incorporated there in a controlled and classified manner. Where applicable, these data are linked to additional trade information as provided by supplying wholesalers.


Within our datapool, manufacturers and wholesalers continually keep product and trade data for the entire chain itself complete and up to date. No wonder that today installation and assembly companies and over wholesalers daily make use of product and price information from the 2BA data pool!

Wholesaler Schuurman Groothandel emphasises
the importance of correct data.

“It helps our customers to choose the right items for a minimum of time and effort. We give priority to suppliers who score well. We are looking forward to being able to inform our customers even better with enhanced data and make them enthusiastic about your products!”

Judith Lub, Commercial Director of Schuurman Groothandel in Elektrotechniek

List of participating data suppliers

 Who is using your product data in 2BA?

Your item and price information are searched for and processed daily in the 2BA data pool by thousands of employees of installation companies, such as: 







 Work Planners

 Consultancy Firms

 Building Managers


How do you reach your buyers through 2BA?

Product and related trade data can be viewed from the 2BA database through periodic downloads in the software of installation and assembly companies. A growing number of software players supports the Unifeed search engine we developed. This allows the user to search from their own software online in the 2BA datapool and to directly transfer the selected data in this tool. The filter option on ETIM product classes and/or characteristics offers an important tool so you can always find the right product fast.

Our common goal, your responsibility

2BA Datapool

As a wholesaler, you are and remain responsible for the quality and timeliness of the trade data you make available to your customers through 2BA. And that’s a good thing! After all, not only manufacturer’s product specifications, but also things like prices, packaging units and stock availability play an important role in your customers’ buying process. Therefore, the trade data you submit to 2BA requires your constant attention. The 2BA Data Label Label supports you in this.

The ETIM classification model: Proven basis for optimum efficiency!

ETIM International

The ETIM classification model is the way for manufacturers to provide products with technical characteristics in a uniform way. Wholesalers can make use of this classified product data, for example for their website or catalogue. But of course also to publish their product-related trade information through 2BA. For wholesalers, not having to approach all the manufacturers personally, but being able to obtain the data from one central location, is ideal. In other words: Straight from the 2BA datapool. This allows the wholesaler to focus on their own core business.

Read more


Our specialists will of course help you to bring your product range to the attention of your customers as well as possible, through our data pool. To help you make your item data available quickly and correctly through our data pool, 2BA has developed a Roadmap.

Also interested?

Create an account, without obligation, after which a 2BA staff member will get in touch with you to schedule an appointment for a visit. During this contact, all your questions will be answered and all the 2BA options relevant to you will be discussed. Then, in close collaboration, the route can be determined to distribute your valuable trade information to your customers and potential customers via 2BA.


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