What does 2BA offer you as a manufacturer, agent or importer?

As a manufacturer, agent or importer, you supply products for mostly technical applications and these are often found in several variants. This makes it very time-consuming for users to make the right product selections. It is therefore important that product information is always complete, up to date and available digitally in a uniform format.

It is important to supplying wholesalers that they can easily link their trade data to naturally unique product information. But also to the entire business chain that bundled product and trade information can be used digitally as efficiently as possible. And of course according to uniform standards, so that a buyer, CAD designer, estimator or work planner, for example, can start working with it directly in their own software.

But how do you approach something like that? So that from now on, you will always have optimum visibility in the battlefield of supply and demand in your market(s)? And with the certainty that your supplied product data is always automatically validated for accuracy and completeness?

Welcome to 2BA, the central product database for and by your industry!

What do we do for you?

Since 2004, 2BA has been managing the neutral datapool for the controlled and digital exchange of item data between the supplier and the customer on the basis of the international ETIM standards. The product information of the manufacturer, importer and/or agent is also incorporated, checked and classified here. And any additional trade information provided by the supplying wholesaler(s) can be linked to the unique manufacturer’s product.

This means that in our datapool, manufacturers, agents, importers and wholesalers personally maintain the product and trade data for the entire chain, keeping it complete and up to date. It’s no wonder that nowadays installation and assembly companies and more than wholesalers already use product and trade information from the 2BA datapool on a daily basis.


To roadmap

Providing complete and clear information about our transformers is very important to us at EREA

EREA logo

“Not only is the quality of our products crucial, the product data must also be 100 percent correct. After all, it is on the basis of this data that we help our customers in choosing their transformer. That is precisely why EREA continuously invests in meeting the most recent requirements in the field of Data Label. We are therefore very proud that we have been awarded this “Triple + score” by our partner 2BA.”

Herman Nollet, Co-Owner EREA Energy Engineering BV

It is important for us that our products are easily found by our customers

Murrelektronik logo

“We understand that good and current article data is a must for them. So that they can easily share this with their customer or order easily. We are therefore constantly working on improvements and extensions to our range in 2BA”

Corne Fijneman, Technical Support Engineer Murrelektronik


“Geberit supplies products of the highest quality: good advice, documentation and, of course, product data are an important part of this”.

Hank Wes, Product Manager Geberit

We want to be at the forefront of technological developments and developments in the market.

OPPLE logo

“One of OPPLE Lighting’s goals is to make installing our luminaires as easy as possible. In addition to reliable quality and ease of installation, we also like to contribute to making the correct product data available.”

tijn van der Kamp, Product Data Manager OPPLE Lighting

List of participating data suppliers

 Who is using your product data in 2BA?




 Consultancy Firms






 Warehouse Managers

 Building Managers

 Work Planners

How do you reach your buyers and potential buyers through 2BA?

Product and related trade data can be viewed from the 2BA database through periodic downloads in the software of installation and assembly companies. In addition, a growing number of software parties supports the Unifeed search engine developed by 2BA. This gives the user the opportunity of searching online in the 2BA datapool, from their own software, and receive the selected data directly. Here too, the filter option on ETIM product classes and/or features offers an important tool with which to find the right product fast.

2BA Datapool

Complete and up-to-date product data: our common goal, your responsibility

As a producer, agent or importer you are and remain responsible for the quality of the data you make available via the 2BA datapool. And that’s a good thing! After all, the Data Label of your products plays an increasingly important role in the business and selection processes of your customers.

In the latter case, for example, correct dimensions and weights for warehouse robotisation within wholesalers. But also to the complete and, of course, correct technical and geometrical features of, for example, a pump. Things like usage and packaging units, as well as up-to-date price information, are also very important when making the right product choices. Your product data therefore requires your constant attention. The 2BA Data Label Label supports you in this.

Our specialists will of course help you to bring your product range to the attention of your customers as well as possible, through our datapool. This increases efficiency throughout the business chain and reduces failure costs. To help you make your product data available quickly and correctly through our datapool, 2BA has developed a roadmap.

ETIM: Proven basis for optimum efficiency!

ETIM InternationalThe ETIM classification model is the ultimate way to classify products simply and provide them with technical features. In turn, wholesalers can make use of the classified product data of manufacturers, for example for their website or catalogue. But of course also to publish their product-related trade information through 2BA. It’s also ideal for the wholesaler if they don’t have to approach all the manufacturers personally, but are able to retrieve the product data from a single central point: the 2BA datapool. This leaves the wholesaler free to concentrate on their own core activities.

Leaflet ETIM

ETIM MC Data for the Uniforme Objecten Bibliotheek (UOB, a uniform CAD objects library)

ETIM-MC or ETIM Modelling Classes is, just like the basic ETIM Classification, an open standard managed by Ketenstandaard Bouw en Techniek. This additional data is intended to make your product information, where applicable, also available to modellers and CAD engineers. A product equipped with ETIM-MC feature values makes it possible to generate, in combination with a 3D object from the Uniforme Objecten Bibliotheek (UOB, a uniform CAD objects library), into a manufacturer-specific 3D object. A crucial step for the Building Information Model (BIM).

Also interested?

Create an account, without obligation, after which a 2BA staff member will get in touch with you to schedule an appointment for a visit. During this meeting, all of your questions will be answered and all of 2BA’s options relevant to you will be discussed. Then, in close collaboration, the route can be determined to distribute your valuable product information to your customers and potential customers through 2BA.

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