Condition Sheet (ICC Message)

Condition messages offer suppliers the opportunity to communicate purchasing conditions (discounts granted by the supplier to the buyer on certain item groups or net prices) on merchandise bilaterally with the buyers.

A condition is defined as a standard or customer-related agreement regarding prices or discounts per article or article group. The described standard is intended for the exchange of conditions that apply specifically to each customer.

For clear communication of trade data, it is very important that items belong to specific discount group(s). The discount code is assigned by the supplier to one or more related group of items. All items that belong to a certain discount group have the same discount for a customer.

Request condition messages

Condition messages are coordinated bilaterally between supplier and buyer. You can contact the sales department of your suppliers directly) or send a request directly via the presentation page of the desired party. You can reach a supplier’s presentation via the unifeed search engine or via the participant overview (login required).


KetenstandaardLogo2023For complete documentation of the INSBOU004 and DICO (SALES005) standard, we refer you to the Ketenstandard Bouw en Techniek foundation. They provide XSD diagrams, the functional attribute list and support on all DICO messages. To do this, you must either be a member of Ketenstandaard or your organization must have concluded a 2BA-ETIM combination contract with 2BA. DICO messages must be validated according to the original XSD. Chain Standard Construction and Technology offers a validation tool for this (Chain Standard account required) within their website.

ASCII Conditions ICC 1.1

Online Conditie Server (OCS)

Both the ICC message 1.1 and the INSBOU004 and DICO (SALES005) Condition Message can be read in the Online Condition Server of 2BA.

Read more about the Online Condition Server here

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