The INSBOU exchange format is an XML-oriented message administered by the CCB&I (the commission for communication standards for the constructions and installations sectors). With this exchange format, you can communicate such matters as product and trade data and condition messages between a number of affiliated software packages. You should decode the XML messages according to UTF-8 (=Unicode).

XML files that are delivered should comply with the accompanying XSD diagram in terms of layout and content and be fully valid. Participants of Ketenstandaard Bouw en Techniek can use the Ketenstandaard XML validation tool (log in required) to check whether the INSBOU message meets the DICO Standaard.


We would like to point out that there is now a follow-up to the INSBOU004 messages standard. So we recommend that you deliver your datasets through the new DICO (formerly SALES005) format.

The 2BA data pool and the INSBOU004 offer the option of communicating your product and/or trade information in multiple language forms. This applies to

  • brief description
  • long description
  • marketing texts
  • brand, series and type

If you deliver data according to INSBOU004, we would like to point out that the Ketenstandaard documentation contains no reference to the ISO list for language codes which has to be complied with. The 2BA system adheres for this to ISO 639-1: two letter codes.

Including therefore:

  • NL – Dutch
  • EN – English
  • DE – German
  • FR – French

INSBOU003 is the predecessor of INSBOU004. We do not recommend that you use this exchange format to submit datasets. Our advice is to bring your exchange format up to date as quickly as possible, given the current data needs.

More information:

  Ketenstandaard Bouw en Techniek
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